They  met each other
May 02, 2002 by principiomasteradmin Recent Blogs

They met each other

As she was visiting Cyprus island for the first time of her life, the first day of her visit, she met him. One year later they finally had a drink on a local night club. They were almost fall in love each other.

2 comment

  1. devil 31 May 2016 at 07:40

    Vestibulum ullamcorper a parturient sem a euismod tempus ornare mcor justo praesent imperdiet vestibulum a condimetum in aliquet porta erat.

    • devil 31 May 2016 at 07:41

      Vestibulum ullamcorper a parturient sem a euismod tempus ornare mcor justo praesent imperdiet vestibulum a condimetum in aliquet porta erat…

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